Sunday, February 3, 2013

4 weeks to go!

Our run today was for 11 miles and we completed it at a 12:23min/mile pace. My mentality has changed. I've gone from being happy with anything I could do to tracking mileage, distance and speed. I've changed. 10 miles no longer seems like a "long run". It's a good run and it's not intimidating anymore. It's funny how you can change your perception with some hard work. I look back at some of my earlier posts and I smile when I see how worried I was about this half marathon. Did I really believe I might not be able to do it and the answer is yes, I really did. Just a few months later, I know I can do it and I'm toying around with the idea of completing a full marathon... Yeah, you read correctly, a full marathon, 26.2 miles. But first I have a date at Disney in 4 weeks!   

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