Of all the days in the entire year, this is my absolute favorite! I have a huge reunion every year and everyone comes for my delicious lasagnas and baked goods. I will spend all day in the kitchen and all night with friends and family. I started the day with a 5 mile run and I truly feel great! I fit into a nice red shirt I had and I'm ready for the festivities! I'm wishing all of you out there a wonderful Christmas!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Christmas Time - Keep the training going!
Last week I went to Disney World and I proved that I could continue eating healthy, tracking calories on MyFitnessPal and have a great time. This week my challenge is to not eat as many sweets as I normally would and to continue my runs. So far so good. This morning our Princess in Training group completed 10 miles at a 13:07 pace. It's not the fastest time, and there's plenty of room for improvement but we're getting there and we're doing it!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Thank You MyFitnessPal!
It's been 3 weeks since I blogged. I really need to post more often. It's been a busy three weeks. There was Thanksgiving holiday , school days off, my daughter's birthday, my son's birthday, and so on. I spent the morning of Thanksgiving Day running my first 10K race with my husband. The famous Turkey Trot. My goal was to run it straight and that I did at a wonderful 12:30/mile pace. Yay me. That being said, it was NOT EASY! But doable.
The best news of all is that I have lost a few lbs! I've been adamant about counting my calories and using MyFitnessPal and eating every three hours. Guess what? It has worked! Now I hope it keeps working! I'm down to 162. The holidays are here so I better be strong willed with all the sweets I'll be making.
The princesses in training are still at work. Some are training harder than others. Some have been injured. I'm the psycho one of the group pushing myself harder and harder. I ran 10 miles for the first time 2 weeks ago. 10 MILES! My pace was steady at a 12:34/mile and when I got to my car and looked down at my running watch and saw 10, I almost cried. I felt alive and strong and elated. Disney Princess Half Marathon, I'm coming after you!
Picture of the hubs and me at the Turkey Trot. |
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Ok, seriously, it's been 3 weeks since my last post. I've been working out about 6 times a week. I am faster, I feel healthy, and yet, the scale laughs at me every week. Today the Princesses in Training crew switched up our run:walk ratio to jog 3 minutes, walk 2 minutes. We also upped our group mileage to 6 miles and I kept going and did 9 miles. Our group pace is down to 13:59 minute miles. Steadily going down.
On another note, I'm p'd off about this damn weight issue. Two of my running buddies and good friends enlightened me today. "Diet is 80% of weight loss and exercise is 20%". S%$#!!!! Really?!?! Ok, I am doing something really wrong and it's time to make a drastic change because I have had enough of this weight issue. Tomorrow I begin a new plan of eating. I won't diet and cut calories altogether because I am exercising way too much and need to fuel my body. I'm not willing to compromise feeling stronger for losing weight but I need to find a balance.
Soooooooooooo, I downloaded an app to my phone called MyFitnessPal. I am committed to eating every 3 hours on the dot and counting calories of every single thing I eat. Let's see if this finally pushes me in the right direction. Starting weight, and I hate to admit this, 166 lbs. My goal weight is 138 lbs, my pre-baby weight.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
On our road to Disney Half Marathon Princess Training
17 weeks to go and we upped it to a 2:2 today. We are jogging 2 minutes and walking 2 minutes. Our average pace is about a 15:00 mile. That should go down as we get stronger and change our walk:run ratio. We are having a great time daydreaming of our big day so far away.
I added more mileage to my run and decided to go for 8 miles. I finished it and felt great. The longest run I have ever done. In a few weeks, I'm going for 10 miles. Is that crazy or what? I could barely do a few miles just a few months ago and 10 is not that long to me now.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
The Color Run 5K
Today we went to our first Color Run 5K. What a blast and what a great event to take your children to. I took my daughter and left the baby with the grandparents. We ran, we walked, we laughed and we got hit with color, lots of it! Every so often, they had volunteers waiting to spray you with different color powder. Word to the wise, take a handkerchief for your face so you don't get stuck breathing, or eating, the powder. They handed some out there as well and we took cover every time we had to go through the color bombings. All in all, a really fun family/friends day!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Damn scale, damn weight...
I've never been the woman with an issue to lose the weight... until now. How completely irritating and frustrating. I've been working out 5-6 days a week now and doing the long runs on Sunday with my Princesses in Training running group. That's our nickname. I began a running group on facebook so we can all train together and schedule runs, etc. That is going great and we are all enjoying it. We met up yesterday for our Sunday run and accomplished 4.12 miles at a 15:40 pace. To complete the Disney Princess Half Marathon, our pace must be under 16:00/mile meaning we are running miles at 15 minutes and 59 seconds or less. Even if we walk a lot, we should be able to do it. My goal is to be down to intervals of 4 minutes jogging and 1 minute walking or 3 minutes jogging and 1 minute walking. My dream goal would be to do it at a 12:30 pace. It's a lot faster than where I am at for long distances but a girl has to dream.
Just as I dream about speed, I dream about fitting into all my old jeans. Damn this baby weight!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Another Sunday run.
Today we completed 4.07 miles at a 15:38 pace. We sped up a bit. Everyone is doing their weekly runs and we are all excited at the prospect of doing our first half marathon. Now to keep it up!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Training begins.
After signing up for the Princess Half Marathon, a few friends have joined in and there are now 6 of us that have registered and have begun training together. We meet on Sundays for our long run and we began a 20 week training plan that leads us straight into February. Today was our first run together and we did a total of 4.16 miles at a 17:10 pace. We began with jogging for 1 minute and walking for 2 minutes. This is called doing intervals or a run/walk pace and it is easier for beginners. I am doing it with the group so we can all train together then I go off afterwards and run a bit longer to continue what I started a few months ago. It feels really great to have a goal to works towards to.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Commit to a goal.
So I was on the phone with a friend of mine. We start talking Disney Princess Half Marathon. Next thing I know, I go online, I check if you can still register. You can. I go to my purse, grab my wallet and click, click, click. I'm registered a few minutes later to run a half marathon on February 24th, 2013. WHAT?!?! Yes, me, half marathon, February 24, 2013. I had originally wanted to do this towards the end of this year but February 2013 is a good month. It's a great month in fact. It's going to be the month that this mommy runs her first half marathon!
My first receipt for a half marathon... Let the training begin!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
I am a horrible blogger!!!
It's now September 20th. I am the world's worst blogger as it has been over 2 months since my last post. Let me try to catch up as best as I can. The triathlon came and went and just as I suspected, the swimming beat me. It was a rainy day and the ocean was upset and wavy. My nerves got the best of me. I panicked thinking I would not make it and I kept looking up and checking how far off I was instead of just concentrating on making it slow and steady till the end. The JAWS marathon I told you about didn't help. It's funny how the mind succumbs to ridiculous things when you panic. I honestly thought that I was going to be swept away by some sea monster in the midst of drowning and not being able to complete the swim. I laugh now sitting here writing this. But that day, I was not laughing. I was freaking out. I ended up walking out of the water, mid way, defeated and feeling quite the loser. Then I thought, there's nothing keeping me from trying again and preparing for the swim. Next time, the ocean won't beat me. So I stared out at the vast ocean that defeated me this time. I'd be back next year and this time, I'd be ready for waves and I was going to put forth a strong swim. It was okay. Another lesson learned in this long road.
Fast forward to August. The end of summer, a two week vacation and the beginning of school came in a flurry and working out fell low on my list of to do's. I can blame the lack of time but I also have to blame myself for not making the time which is something most moms suffer from. Everything and everyone else goes first. I put in a run here and there but I won't lie, I slacked. I SLACKED!!! There, I said it, I own it. So, let's get over that and move on. Here I am in September and triathlon season is behind me so I need a new goal. The Disney Princess Half Marathon comes to mind. Do I dare?
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Triathlon countdown - 5 days!
It occurred to me today that I am only 5 days away from completing (or trying to complete) my first triathlon. The duathlon last month was a challenge but there was no swimming involved which I am guessing will be quite difficult this coming Sunday. In a funny turn of events, my daughter and I saw the complete JAWS I, II, III and IV movies (IV technically never happened or I like to pretend it didn't) this past month. I am now afraid of being attacked by a massive great white shark that roars like a lion... Lovely...
On a much more positive note, I've trained and prepared as best as possible and am looking forward to this new experience (minus the swimming and shark panic). Perhaps the fear of JAWS hunting me down will help me get through the swim much faster. I can only hope!
On a much more positive note, I've trained and prepared as best as possible and am looking forward to this new experience (minus the swimming and shark panic). Perhaps the fear of JAWS hunting me down will help me get through the swim much faster. I can only hope!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Cycling Group Ride - Awesome!
I was up at 5:15am this morning and out the door by 6am to head on over to an established cycling group ride. I've ridden in groups a few years ago and felt confident that I could hold on to this group. I tried to go on a group ride a few weeks back and was basically stood up - no such ride existed! This group was riding 40+ miles at an average of 18mph. This means you are riding between 17mph to 22mph at any given point.
I love cycling. It's my strength. Running is my weakness which I have turned into a strength with a lot of hard work and dedication. I love the cycling so putting an effort is easy. That being said, I've been hard at work for weeks now and thought I should go for a challenging group ride. Group rides will make you better at handling your bike and it will help you get faster. That being said, you have to be pretty comfortable riding on someone's wheel (basically riding a few inches from the back wheel of the rider in front of you) and you must know the basics of group riding (hand signals, safety measures, etc.). We began at 7am and it started raining, UGHHHHH. I can't stand riding in the rain because I have fears of sliding off the road to my doom. Luckily, peer pressure to keep up with my fellow riders kicked in and I was handling that bike like a pro and cutting turns on wet roads and feeling strong and capable. A little rain was not going to stop me today.
We rode forward and on the way back, Mother Nature heard my pleas and she lit up the streets with some sun, dried the wet roads and gave us 20 miles of great weather. When I reached my car, I thought of how several weeks ago, I couldn't have gone anywhere near 40 miles. Then I realized, yesterday was behind me. It wasn't a few weeks ago, it was today, and today, 40 miles were behind my bike wheels and I was looking forward to my next big challenge, the triathlon next Sunday. Wish me luck!
Friday, July 13, 2012
And the winner is...
I'd like to dedicate this to the man that tried to walk away with my jogger stroller this morning as my son and I walked around a bit. After completing my run, I decided to park my jogger on the side of the sidewalk and let my son stretch his legs and run around a bit before going home. We wandered a away a bit as he ran around happily and I followed him. We fed some ducks, laughed, ran some more. As I am walking back towards the jogger, I see a man casually strolling away with it walking towards a car parked on the side of the road. I said "Excuse me!" and he turns around and says "Yes?". I guess he saw my disbelief or perhaps it was the one and a half year old holding my hand that gave it away but he asked "Oh, is this yours?". I felt like screaming "Yes, jackass!" but I chose to say "Um YEAH!". So he says "Oh, here you go, I was hoping someone hadn't forgotten it here". He let go of the jogger and walked quickly back to his car and took off. Real smooth huh? Well, this award goes to you buddy! Congrats!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Running in the early morning - first 6 mile run.
I woke up at 6am for my early run. My wake up times seem to get earlier and earlier as it gets hotter and hotter! I had a motto for today. My purpose was to complete 6 miles. It would be a first. I repeated to myself, 6 at 6. Let's go! My second purpose was to not get eaten alive by mosquitoes which had me for breakfast last week. 17 bites. YES, you read correctly and it's not a typo - 17!!
I was out the door by 6:05 covered in "OFF Deep Woods" which I highly recommend now! It will be my new perfume for early runs. I returned without any bites and as I rounded the corner to my house, I looked at my watch showing I ran 6.18 miles. I did it! I started my day with a decision to try 6 miles and I accomplished it. You can do so much if you set your mind on a goal and remove all boundaries around it...
Friday, June 29, 2012
8 weeks - KEEP GOING!
8 weeks and counting! I've been hard at work for 8 weeks now and some friends have mentioned I look thinner. I have been weighing myself every 4 weeks to not add pressure and another 2 lbs are gone. As nice as it is to see that post baby weight saying bye bye, I have not been starving myself in any way. You need to nourish your body if you expect it to perform. I've continued eating very healthy but that scale that used to be so important is now an afterthought. My main thoughts encompass getting healthier, stronger and pushing myself farther. On the agenda, a triathlon in July and a half marathon early winter.
8 weeks ago, jogging 1 mile was a pretty great accomplishment. This morning I jogged 5 at a steady pace. A half marathon has gone from an unattainable goal to something I'm probably going to do by the end of the year. I like this new me, a lot!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Running in the rain - my first time and tips for the future.
I set out on my morning run at 6am this morning. I've started a habit of going this early to avoid the overpowering heat and humidity that sets in after 7am. Anyone in Miami understands what I'm talking about. Midway through my 5 mile goal, it began to sprinkle. I cursed. I kept going. A few more minutes and there was a full downpour on me. I cursed hoping it would stop but I kept going. Then a few minutes after that, instead of cursing, I thought of how many times I saw runners in such downpours and thought they were absolutely crazy. It made me smile and chuckle as I kept seeing cars go by me and people giving me that look. I know what they were thinking - "Look at this crazy woman running in the rain!". I smiled at all of them.
Then it happened, for the very first time, I felt like a runner. I welcomed the rain because it cooled me off. I welcomed it because I remembered loving to play in the rain and running around with my friends under similar downpours. I felt like a little girl that has been caught in a severe rain storm far away from her house selling raffle tickets for her school (this happened with my best friend when we were in 7th grade). I finished my run, soaked, dripping like I had just jumped out of a pool. It wasn't so bad after all. Uncomfortable, yeah. Clothes were sticking to me and I was worried about my GPS watch but it wasn't bad at all. It was, dare I say it, kind of FUN...
I found several tips online for next time that I will share with you.
- Wear a hat! I didn't happen to have one and it would have been very useful to keep the rain out of my eyes.
- When you get home, take the insoles out of your shoes and stuff them with newspaper. This helps maintain the shape of your running shoe and helps it to dry out faster.
- If you are somewhere colder, you should layer up. We're lucky in South Florida and can skip this step.
- BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU ARE GOING!! I am super clumsy and instinctively kept looking where I was going because I didn't want to hit a puddle and find it was a pothole.
- My personal tip to you - think of being a young kid again. It makes you run faster and freely! Oh, one more, try to have two pairs of good running shoes so a rainy day doesn't keep you from going out the next day!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Challenges welcomed - next stop, TRIATHLON!
One week after my first duathlon, and another year older (yesterday was my birthday), I just signed up for my first triathlon to be held on July 22, 2012. Next week it will be 8 weeks from the day I decided to begin my journey back to health and my goal to take on new challenges. If someone told me 8 weeks ago that I would be doing this, I would have laughed and thought to myself "I wish". It's not a wish anymore. After weeks of hard work, it's a challenge that I am taking on.
I am happy to report that I am feeling strong and empowered. There are women that are emailing me on how to get started and just like many women inspired me to get on this track, I am inspiring others to start as well. That makes me incredibly happy. I hope others join in with their journeys so they too can inspire all of us. I was once feeling tired, heavy and slow. That has been replaced with energetic, swifter and ready. Ready for new experiences. Ready to try harder. Ready for a triathlon. Bring it!
Monday, June 18, 2012
I DID IT!! - 2012 Mack Cycle Key Biscayne Duathlon Trilogy #1 Results
So my first duathlon was yesterday. I woke up at 4:30am and rushed to have breakfast and get ready so I could be out the door by 5:15am. I packed what I needed the night before. This included a visor, sunglasses, bike helmet, bike shoes, etc. My husband was doing the duathlon as well and we were at Crandon Park Beach by 6:00am. I walked into the transition area and got my timing chip. I placed it around my right ankle and then an event volunteer wrote my race number on my arm and my age on the back of my leg (Sharpie markers are used so it doesn't smear). Then the wait...
The wait was the absolute worst part. Nerves kick in and there is absolutely nothing to do but wait for that start time to come. You can feel the nervous energy from everyone that is walking around and feeling the same way. Everyone just waiting to take off and try their best. Some people want to challenge previous times. Some people want to win. Some people enjoy challenging their bodies with something new. I was in the latter and met 5 women that were doing their first triathlon and 2 that were doing their first duathlon. I was in good company!
The duathlon I was participating in was going to consist of a 1 mile run, a 10 mile bike course and a 5K (3.1 mile run). The start time came and off I went. I looked down at my GPS watch and saw that I was holding a 9:30 minute pace. I was running a 9 minute mile? I thought to myself, "Great, my watch broke on my first race because I have never gone that fast!". I finished the mile run and went to the transition area. I caught my breath and put on my biking gear and off I went to cycle the 10 mile course. It was soooooooooooo windy but that wasn't stopping the hundreds of people out there and it certainly wasn't going to stop me. I was on a mission. The worst part is that you have to go over the bridge in Key Biscayne, make a u-turn and hit that bridge right again. The first time the wind was at my back and I was soaring but the next time, the wind was at my front feeling like a wall pushing me back telling me I wasn't going to be able to go over again. I cranked down my gears and thought to myself, if I keep counting every time I pedal, I should be up the bridge by the time I hit 200. Some people have mantras, I had a steady count in my head. 200. 199. 198. 197. 196. 195. I held my head low and counted down... I don't remember what number I was on when I realized I was at the top and had made it. What a view and what a sense of thrill. Downhill I went against the wind feeling ecstatic. Wind or not, the ride back was going to be easier than hitting the bridge a second time with this wind. I made it back and into the transition area again and on went my sneakers, visor and running glasses. I caught my breath and drank some water/Gatorade and away I went.
This was it, I was going to finish my first duathlon. There was only a 3.1 mile run between me and the finisher medal. I checked my watch, it was telling me I was running a 12 minute mile. I guess I had run a 9 minute mile previously. It wasn't broken. SWEET!!! I ran faster at times, then slower at others. I tried keeping it at 12 for the most part. I'm used to running with music and had none so my run got quite philosophical and I thought of how living in the same place your whole life leaves hundreds of memories in every corner of that place. I bounced images of times I had been here at this beach as a child with my family, as a little girl, as a teenager, as a mommy to be, as a mom. I went from being a little girl to being a woman. As I turned a roundabout, I looked and saw my husband smiling taking a picture telling me I was almost done. I had three quarters of a mile to go. I thought about walking. I was tired at this point but something told me to finish it and keep going. I did. I turned another corner and there it was. The finish line. I made it. I did it. I crossed and got my medal.
After checking times, we learned that my husband finished first in his age group and I had finished third. I had podiumed! MY CRAZY LUCK! There weren't that many women in my age group. The triathlon (swim, bike, run) has a lot more people and is way more competitive. I could have gone faster. I could have spent less time in transition which added to about 6 minutes. But I finished it. I did it. I now have new goals I can beat. Yes, believe it or not, I'm looking forward to doing more and trying harder.
What a great way to begin Father's Day. The rest of the day was spent with family and a major happy feeling of accomplishment! :-)
The day begins.
Transition area. I'm ready!
I'm turning the corner to look a the finish line!
Podium - I got very lucky.
My buddy - Pedro Perez
The hubs - Thanks for your support.
Time to go back home and switch to mommy mode and have a great Father's Day!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Pre-race jitters...
I'm sitting here packing my things for tomorrow morning. (Did I really get myself into this?) Wake up call is at 4:30am. I have to leave the house by 5:15am. (What was I thinking?) I picked up my race packet today and got my number and everything I need for tomorrow (What if I can't finish it?).
(What if I fall?)
(What if I collapse and can't finish the run?)
(What if I am the last person in?)
(What if I go the wrong way?)
So how am I feeling you ask? Well, I'd love to say that I am nervous and excited and leave it at that but I find myself thinking that maybe there will be a torrential downpour of thunder and rain tomorrow morning and I can gracefully bow out. Suddenly, the stronger side of me, the one that has spent hours running and cycling answers all my questions:
You got yourself into this because you are strong and you can do it.
You were thinking it would be an adventure and it will be.
You can finish it. You've trained.
If you fall, get back up like you have from harder things that have happened in the past.
Collapsing is not an option - this is why you prepared!
It doesn't matter if you are last, so long as you finish what you have begun.
There are signs telling you where to go!!
My strong side tells my nervous side to shut up and just go out there and have fun and do it. And I will. I'm hoping to post tomorrow with a very simple, short title. It will say, "I DID IT!".
Wish me luck! :-)
Thursday, June 14, 2012
3 days until the duathlon!
Found this great logo from a t-shirt store that sells gear for athletes in different sports. Check it out at: http://www.triathlontshirts.com/all_sport/duathlon_duathlete.htm
I received an email giving me the instructions for my race packet pick up. For those that are new to this, when you register for a race, you will get your race packet prior to the race. The packet contains your timing chip (my nemesis, lol), your number and other rules on what to do to be prepared for race day. It's this Sunday morning.
I got excited and then it hit me, "OH S%$#! This race is in 3 days!!!!". Then I got nervous, then I got doubtful that I could do it, then I got really upset that I would doubt I could finish this and now I'm really ready and thinking I got this covered. I am 7 weeks into training. I've gone from barely jogging 1 mile to jogging 5. I went from cycling 5 miles to cycling 24 and then running a mile right after. I'm ready. Very ready. It will be a challenge but it will also be an accomplishment.
DO I really think I'm going to do this and finish it and feel great after? I DU! :-)
Anyone out there ready to try and start training for something? Drop me a line! mommyathlon@bellsouth.net
Monday, June 11, 2012
Long group bike ride was a major bust!
Is anyone out there?! LOL
This picture from the net sums up how I felt yesterday waiting at the "meeting spot".
I woke up early yesterday morning. I was excited to join in on a big group ride. My first group ride. If you're cycling regularly, group rides help you improve your speed and they get you ready to race in larger groups. I went to the place I was told to go by someone who told me that there would absolutely be people there. She insisted that I shouldn't worry because there were always people at the meeting spot. Guess what? I got there. I waited 30 minutes. Nothing! Not one person showed up. Great. Just great. What a huge waste of time!
Lesson learned - never go to a group ride that is hear say by someone who is insisting that people will just "show up". Find an established group ride.
There are many established group rides by bicycle shops and serious riding teams and if you're wanting to go on a big group ride, that's the way to go. I was seriously ticked off and so I continued my journey to the Miccosukee Golf & Country Club in Kendall Lakes and did a ride after all but it was a solo ride. I hit 24 miles and back home I went. It wasn't what I expected or wanted to do, but it was good anyway.
Countdown to duathlon - 6 days! I can't believe it's next week-end! :-)
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Gnats are sexy! NOT!!!
Fueled by a heated argument with my 9 year old daughter, I laced up my shoes and decided to go out for a long run today. My goal, 5 miles. I didn't know if I would make it but I was going to try. I set my music, put on my headphones and away I went. There was no stroller, there were no kids, just me and my music. There was peace. I enjoyed it. There was also about 2 million gnats on my run. I already had the experience of eating a bug so I was mindful to keep my mouth closed. There were so many gnats that they kept getting stuck to me. Gross! I got home and my daughter was disgusted. My husband steps in and says "Nah, dead gnats are sexy". Thanks for trying honey! He also said "You need to shower!". Nah, really? Many, many, many gnats were harmed during this run. I apologize to Mother Nature.
The best part was that I did hit my 5 mile goal. Just 6 weeks ago I thought it was pretty great that I could jog 1 mile and here I was doing 5 in 1:04! Even better was the fact that I'm 13 days short of a birthday, getting older, mom of two, and I ran the longest run I have ever done in my life. That was way cool!
8 days to my duathlon and feeling great! Tomorrow, I'm attempting a long group bike ride. YIKES!
Friday, June 8, 2012
A mom's gym - where there is a will, there is a way!
I've gotten asked of how I have the time to go to the gym and put in the runs and the bike riding. Let it be known, I do not go to the gym. As a stay at home mom of two, going to the gym is way out of my time constraints. I simply don't have the time or the nannies to help out so I made my own gym with daycare sitting on-site and it's FREE! The picture below shows my little corner for Mommyathlon. I have a spinner and a treadmill right in front of it. This makes it easy when it's raining or during the week when I can't get out. If the weather is bearable, I put my baby in his jogger and off we go. His jogger with his 30+lb cute butt is a great way of adding some resistance to my jogs. I also have a bike with a baby seat behind me and again his added weight is great for building strength. Week-ends are a treat and that's when I plan my longer runs and leave the kids with dad. I take off alone and it is bliss. I also find the time on week-ends to get on my road bike and away I go, fast and free from all the "to dos". AWESOMENESS!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
My husband/coach is famous!
My husband is now famous! HAHAHA He got mentioned in a DBR article as "the fastest attorney in Miami" from the 2012 CABA 5K last week-end. He laughed and told me to make sure I mention that it was a small race and that there are other attorneys out there faster than him. That being said, I told him to enjoy his fame while secretly thinking I am basically standing still next to him when we both run together! GEEZ!
Well, at least I am trying and I am off the couch and running towards many goals, slowly, but surely!!
The article can be found at:
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Good Pain vs. Bad Pain
You hear people say "It's a good pain". I've said it myself when I have started an exercise plan in the past. I've been asked how I feel after my two 5K's this past week-end. "Ouch" just about covers it! Calves are definitely a bit sore so I took a rest day yesterday but it is definitely a good pain. It's a soreness that comes from pushing forward and not from hurting yourself. I pushed myself and completed my week-end goals and today I get back on my bike and continue my journey to fitness and a healthier me.
I like this poster. It really doesn't get easier but you do get better and stronger and that's what moves you to continue. At least it's what moves me. Getting stronger, hopefully leaner, and doing more. 5 weeks ago, I wouldn't have even thought about doing 5K's back to back and yet this past week-end, it became something to look forward to.
Next stop, duathlon on June 17th!
Monday, June 4, 2012
2012 Twilight 5K Race Results
Race #2 for this week-end was yesterday evening. Lesson learned - I found out it's a lot harder to run at 7pm after a whole day of playing with the kids, running errands, and cleaning the house!! It was also HOT! You could feel the heat slapping you in the face just walking to the start line. That being said, I had a great time and am feeling pretty good this morning. It's amazing what consistent exercise can achieve. Little by little, I'm slowly coming back and getting stronger. I really love that feeling!
My official time for this race was 38:05. 3 minutes over what I wanted but the main point is I completed it and I'm feeling a lot more confident for my duathlon coming up on June 17th! There were also rumors that the other 5K was a bit short which may have contributed to my faster time. Thatjust means that I have to keep working it!
My official time for this race was 38:05. 3 minutes over what I wanted but the main point is I completed it and I'm feeling a lot more confident for my duathlon coming up on June 17th! There were also rumors that the other 5K was a bit short which may have contributed to my faster time. Thatjust means that I have to keep working it!
Husband and I before the race - The weather was sooooooooooo hot!
Pedro Perez and myself right after the race.
The finish smooch - happy and tired!
Saturday, June 2, 2012
2012 CABA 5K Race Results
Early this morning, around 5:30am, having breakfast with my husband, he asked me what my goal was for this race since that would be my new "PR" moving forward. I stared at him over my bowl of oatmeal wondering what he meant and wondering why I wasn't laying in bed sleeping. "PR" = personal record. So whatever I was about to run, would be my new "PR" and the new time I would try to beat over and over through every other future race. I set it high. I told him I wanted to finish the 5K in under 40 minutes. I didn't ask him because I already knew. He shoots for under 20 minutes. Yes, that would be half of mine, no pressure! I reminded him to grab his sneakers. We got ready and I reminded him to grab his sneakers. We were out the door by 6:30 and right before we left, I reminded him to grab his sneakers again. We got to the race, parked the car and he starts cursing. He forgot his sneakers. Nah, really?! I couldn't help but laugh. Luckily I had a good friend that was on the way to the race and he was kind enough to get the sneakers for us so we didn't have to go back home.
The race began and off we went. I kept it steady and didn't overdo it or try to keep up with the fastest runners. I'm not anywhere near that yet. I got passed by what seemed like hundreds of people and felt like I was standing still. It's a funny phenomenon. A lot of people that don't run regularly, run their hardest at the beginning of a race. The adrenalin is pumping and off they go. Somewhere after that, those of us that have been running regularly, start passing all those that took off with incredible speed at the beginning. I felt much better after the first mile as I started to pass more and more runners. Okay, I didn't feel better, I felt great! I have been working hard for over a month and it is really paying off. I thought about stopping, I didn't. I kept it going steady. I crossed the finish line at a little over 34 minutes!! I beat my goal by almost 6 minutes. JOY! Tomorrow another 5K. The Twilight Run. My new goal, under 35 minutes. Wish me luck!
Bob Kulpa, Will Diaz-Rousselot, Susie Diaz-Rousselot, Alfie Gonzalez (my husband)
and me.
Sandra M. Ferrera (CABA President-Elect), myself and Susie Diaz-Rousselot
Pedro Perez (He got the sneakers!! THANK YOU) and myself
Hubby gets a congratulatory smooch. He got 2nd place in his age group and 4th overall!
Proudly wearing my own medal! FEELS GREAT!
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