Saturday, March 28, 2015

Big Sur Part III

Another long run closer to finishing my training for Cali/Big Sur. It's now 28 days away and I have one last long run next week-end.

Today I spent 3 hours on the bridge, back and forth and back and forth. Crazy but effective! I'm feeling quite hill-ready! I had two amazing running friends take shifts so I could be safe and have company. What would we do without our sole sisters?!?!?! I never want that answer! Thank you Melissa & Michelle! heart emoticon

Next week, 4 hrs. My last long run! 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Big Sur Part II

Big Sir is helping me get to Big Sur. The journey continues. Today was my second long run and the bridge is becoming my best friend (or the focal point of my insults from time to time). 2 hrs, 11 miles, all on the bridge! Right on track! Getting Big Sur ready! Next week, 3 hours! BRING IT! T-35 days!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I have been training my butt off! That's pretty much all I have to say!  

Seriously though, I have been bridge running, incline running, weight lifting, you name it, I am doing it in order to get the quads ready for this race. It gets closer and closer and I get more excited every day.  

Luckily, I have some insane friends that are hitting the bridge with me as well which keeps me highly entertained because what better company for a runner than your best runner friends who totally get what you're doing?! There's also a group of us training for Ragnar Atlanta trail relay so this works perfectly!!!!

Counting down to two great adventures!   

Friday, March 6, 2015

Big Sur (Sir) - Luck, fate or faith?

Would you believe it, as luck would have it, I received this in my email yesterday. On February 26th, I received an email from ACTIVE saying that they would be giving away 10 entries to ACTIVE members. I filled out the form and sent it into cyber mail thinking it was a long shot but I didn't have anything to lose. I told my friend and she entered as well. We went running that weekend and daydreamed about BIG SUR. I have been speaking about this race for years and any close running buddy will tell you, this is THE RACE. The one on my bucket list of all races. If I were told that I could only run one more marathon, this is the one I would choose. I was already planning on signing up for the lottery this year and I was a bit bummed about it being a lottery since I never win this type of thing. I got lucky...  or did I?

The first time I heard about this race, I remember listening in awe. It was one of my husband's best friends and he raved on and on that this is a must do race. I remember thinking I would have to do this race one day. I followed it but never signed up thinking of time frames, etc flights, but I always told everyone that I would do it one day. They switched the registration to a lottery and I told my husband I would start entering the lottery every year (beginning this year) and that I probably wouldn't get in until I was 60 but I would do this race one day. Fate apparently had another plan, or was it something else?

What can I say about 2014? In a nutshell, a tiny one, it was a rough, trying year. My mom's health deteriorated and I was sad. I kept on with my training because it is one thing I am in control of. The rest of life circles around us. It's as if we are all planets in our own solar systems. Sometimes we can navigate through issues, other times we must dodge things and other times, we are floating by, holding our breath waiting to see what happens. I felt anger at different things and gratitude for others but the sadness carried day to day. The new year came around and I made a promise to God. I said "Ok, this year sucked but, I'm going to just fully trust that everything that happened had a reason for happening. I'm going to choose to be happy despite anything that happens around me. I choose to smile every day because I'm healthy, I have an amazing husband and two healthy children so that means life is great. Every day is a gift and if I have to deal with some bad along the way, my job is to trust You and get through by being the best mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt and friend I can be to those I love. And to be happy because every day is a gift I get so I need to find the good in every single day". And I kept my promise. On the worst days, I look into my children's eyes and feel happy and lucky. I let the bad go, I let the good in and move on. On the best days, I have a song in my heart and I feel great and thankful. Every day, I choose happy. Speaking to my sister I compared the last few months to a marathon where you need to pick something positive to focus on.

And then, Big Sur. Last night, as my head spun thinking how amazing this opportunity was, and how the training would be intense since I am not at marathon mileage right now, I also thought that this race was going to be difficult. Then I had another thought. Big Sur and Big Sir sound the same. So bring on the hills and bring on the 26.2 miles again (this will be my second marathon).

When I cross, I'm crossing two finish lines. One to the Big Sur Marathon and one for the Big Sir that makes it all possible.

Sometimes, you get lucky and realize that fate has everything to do with faith...

(and , one more thing, THANK YOU to ACTIVE for having this getaway!)