It's been many months since my last post. So a very fast update.
Back then, I was training for my first triathlon in May. "How did it go"? It didn't. My husband, kids and I went to Washington DC mid April for a family vacation and I came back sick as a dog! This pretty much stopped my training as I couldn't exercise. You kind of have to be able to breathe to exercise and since I got hit with the worst sinus infection I have ever had, I had to listen to my body and postpone my triathlon for next year. This results in the craziness that I am in right now because I am still training for my first half Iron Man distance triathlon in November which will now end up being my first triathlon...... This seems like a stupid idea and it pretty much is, but since it's the cards that life dealt me, I'm playing them. I would like to add, that I am playing them quite well since I have been training hard and feeling really great and almost ready! 8 weeks to go. The mind and the power of "I CAN" is a most impressive thing.
So back to the update, Washington DC. It was worth the cold/sinus infection. We had a magical time as evidenced in this picture. It was just what we needed after several difficult weeks.
The summer came and went. Don't ask me where it went, I just know that I dedicated myself to my kids hence my disappearing act from the blog. We went to the beach countless times, hung out at the pool, they took swimming lessons, we saw so many movies I lost count and we put away the electronic devices which is so important to do sometimes.
School started and off they went. I volunteered my time at their school and I am coaching the cross country team - WAY FUN!!! I'm in the process of becoming a substitute teacher AND I also got a spinning instructor certification. I'm looking into teaching SPIN as well!
Pretty cool huh?
That pretty much brings us up to date quite quickly and moving forward as life always does, thankfully.
Half Iron Man Tri, I'm on my way! See you November!
My partners in crime and training! :-)