Saturday, August 24, 2013

14 weeks to 26.2 - running friends rock!

Looking at a calendar today, I realized there are 14 weeks until my date with 26.2. YIKES! Training has been going well but I am feeling some exhaustion on the legs. My theory is I rather feel tired now and not on race day! Onward!

So this week had me covering 12 miles of which a good friend met with me to do the last 4.5. She was recovering from a toe injury and is on the mend. She was kind enough to meet me at my mile 7.5 even though that meant she had to run in hotter weather. THANK YOU AGAIN! Anyhow, we took off and about 2 miles into the run, I looked down and became aware of a runner's worst nightmare. I forgot to restart my Garmin. I do believe that all runners within 5 miles of me heard my initial "OH F%$#!!!!!" followed by more cursing as I kept venting my anger that I couldn't track my mileage. Another great thing about a running body - she didn't forget to start her Garmin. She calmed me down and on we went. It's amazing what a good running buddy can do. Those last 4.5 miles were the nicest one of the entire run due to some great company, good laughs and a wonderful rain shower that really cooled me off when I needed it most, mile 10.  Running friends are blessings.

Next week - 14! So that makes me more anxious and nervous as it will be the first time I pass 13.1 and move onward. Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

In the battle between Woman vs Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse won!

Several weeks deep into full marathon training my husband and I decided to take the kids to Disney World to say bye bye to summer in the funnest way a kid can. While packing, I managed to pack my running clothes, Garmin, earphones, ipod, running shoes and the clincher, my set of 10lb free weights. My husband eyes me as I put them into the back of the car and then he agreed it was a great idea because we were going to totally work out this vacation...  Sure we were... 

So we hit Orlando and first thing we do is grab a delicious burger at a restaurant. Ok, we bargained. We just got here, we are hungry, the kids need food and it's late. Tomorrow we wake up and get a quick run in before hitting the parks. We went grocery shopping and bought our healthy food and snacks and off to rest we went. Next day, our 2 yr old wakes up ready to hit the parks and we are all ready to see Mickey, so we decided it was best to do the runs after the parks. I think Mickey was already laughing at us at this point just waiting to wave his cotton candy bag under my nose. We hit the parks with our turkey sandwiches and water bottles and healthy snacks but who can resist ice cream sandwiches and cotton candy? I mean seriously?! So we ate the sweets and got back to our room about 12 hours after we left. I looked at my running shoes and smiled. My husband came in the room and picked up the weights then moved them to the other side of the dresser and said "Yep that was a great workout". He did this for the next few days and every time a wave of laughter came into the room. I've come to the conclusion that Mickey puts some addictive agent in cotton candy and ice cream sandwiches. You can't just eat one. Or maybe we are both weak.  

7am again and we need to get in the rides we didn't do the day before so we pack up our healthy lunches and run off to the parks. Again, we skipped our protein bars snacks for sweets. Mickey is now really laughing at us both. It's like the park should be called Mickey Mouse and HIS Sweet Factory. I kept glancing for ice cream stands. Then we made the mistake of getting a Coke Icee which would become my son's preferred choice of drink. We would give him water and he would refuse begging for a "coco icee". Thanks again Mickey for putting whatever you put into these darn things! The days followed in the same manner. We rushed through parks, rode the attractions, waited in line, laughed and had a great vacation. In between the ice cream sandwiches, we found ourselves having fried food, ice cream, pizza, laughing, enjoying life and feeling the joy that you find in family getaways. We let ourselves go a bit and just lived the moment. We turned off all electronics as well.  This was family time and it was FABULOUS!  Still not a run between both of us and the weights kept moving from one end of the dresser to the other.    

But, we got back to Miami and that very night, my husband went out for his 10 mile run and the very next day I was off on my 8 mile run. Back on track and no more cotton candy nor Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwiches. (To be honest, I think we are are still daydreaming of them!)

Lesson learned, you can take a few days off, eat sweets, break your training rules and then get back and find your groove again. I learned that the discipline you have will remain long after you cheat on a few meals and treat yourself to a few forbidden treats.  Once you get back home, the discipline you have maintained will get you back on track as if you never skipped a beat. 

I'm now about 16 weeks away from my first full marathon and I am more determined than ever! See you soon 26.2!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Runner's Hair - NOT GOOD!

So as our bodies transform and get healthier, many positive changes will come about but there's one change that isn't good. I'm here to tell you that you will probably contract a case of "RUNNER'S HAIR". A disease characterized by unruly, messy hair that never seems to look nice! It seems that no matter what I do lately, my hair has a mind of its own and goes in every single direction that I DO NOT want it to go in. Luckily I have insane curly hair and people can't really tell. :-)

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Ok, the before/after giveaway is on!! 
DETAILS: Enter your before/after picture by emailing your picture to Please put BEFORE/AFTER on the subject line. Picture should be a split pic with the before on the left side and the after on the right side. An album will be posted with all the pics. On August 23rd (10am), a random drawing will be done from everyone that entered. The winner will receive a Heads Up Band, a Mommyathlon decal and a Shubeez "Believe" shoe tag.

GOOD LUCK! Now let's get those pics in so we can all see how far we have journeyed!